Food and beverage
8 weeks course
This is whole package of 5 courses which are:
waiter, bartender, barista, customer service and cockctails
The Food and Beverage course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the food and beverage industry.
24 weeks course
Learn baking cookies, pastries, cakes & more
Learn to cook like a Bake by learning the basics used in the world’s culinary business and earning a point in Baking /Pastry upon completion. It covers not just basic health and safety and first aid, but also numerous Baking skills
Chef Assistant
24 weeks course
Learn to cook like a Pro,
This is a brief course for a beginner who want to learn to cook like a pro-master the basic techniques used i the World’s culinary industry ,6 months theory and practical at the restaurant to gain additional knowledge
tips & lessons we learned
Africa Ithemba Training Skills, derives its name from the Xhosa word Ithemba, which means “hope.” We provide a variety of courses, including Bartender, Barista, Waiter, Cocktails, Chef food preparation for beginners, Baking /Pastry and Housekeeping Course as well as fundamental life skills required for instant employment in the hospitality business.
Within three months, our students are able to support their children and families, paving the way from poverty to long-term growth and self-sufficiency.
Our primary goal is:
1. To assist people in gaining the practical knowledge and transferrable skills required to advance their careers in many fields.
2. To provide comprehensive professional training to assist the local Cape Town community in their activities and to assist people.
Africa Ithemba College is the pleasant sharing of food and conversation for the benefit of others. Hospitality is being friendly to others by talking with neighbors, meeting new people, and smiling at strangers. This is what we do, so come join us and be a part of a family that not only cooks meals to make customers feel at ease but also builds hope and puts smiles on people’s faces others.
Our secondary goal is to create experts with expertise in a variety of fields, including bartending, barista, food preparation for beginners, cleaning, and waitering.
Our goal is to become a leading provider of high-quality training interventions and support services to individuals and organizations, which will lead to substantial and meaningful progress on all levels—personal, organizational, and financial.
At what we do, we are the greatest in the world. Discover our hospitality studies programs, unique ideologies, and stunning facilities.
Africa Ithemba College, formerly known as Hospitality School CT, is a reputable professional institution in Cape Town that offers hospitality training. Our institution has been providing innovative training since 2019 to get students ready for professions in international hospitality.
We offer knowledge gathered from a professional chef with more years of experience in the hospitality industry, experiences from catering for the hospitality industry, and a transfer of skills to the process of applying skills.
Our courses give you countless options; use them to finance your education, launch a distinctive, long-term profession, or travel and work throughout the world.
- Food and Beverage course such as Waiter, Barista and Bartender
- Chef Assistant /Food preparation course for beginners
- Baking /Pastry course for beginners
- Housekeeping course
Housekeeping course
Register and learn about different types of coffee drinks.
A barista is a skilled professional who prepares and serves a variety of coffee drinks, such as espresso, cappuccino, latte, and other specialty coffee beverages.
Key responsibilities of a barista:
– Prepare high-quality coffee drinks using an espresso machine
– Create decorative designs on drinks using steamed milk and foam
– Provide excellent customer service
– Manage orders and payments
– Maintain a clean and organized workspace
Key skills for a barista:
– Knowledge of various coffee types and flavors
– Expertise in preparing coffee drinks
– Excellent customer service skills
– Time management and multitasking abilities
Certifications, such as the Certified Barista Professional, can be obtained through specialized training and passing an exam.
Espresso-based Coffees
1. Espresso: a strong, concentrated shot of coffee
2. Macchiato: a shot of espresso “marked” with a small amount of frothed milk
3. Cortado: equal parts espresso and milk
4. Cappuccino: a combination of espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk
5. Latte: a combination of espresso and steamed milk, with a thin layer of frothed milk
6. Mocha: a variant of latte made with chocolate syrup or cocoa powder added to the drink
Drip Coffees
1. Drip coffee: brewed using a drip coffee maker
2. French press: brewed using a French press coffee maker
3. Pour-over: brewed using a pour-over coffee maker
Specialty Coffees
1. Cold brew: brewed without heat, using cold water to extract the flavors and oils from the coffee beans
2. Iced coffee: brewed hot coffee served over ice
3. Turkish coffee: finely ground coffee beans brewed in a small pot called an ibrik or cezve
4. Greek coffee: similar to Turkish coffee, but made with a coarser grind and served in a smaller cup
5. Vietnamese coffee: brewed in a small metal filter called a phin, served over ice with sweetened condensed milk
Flavored Coffees
1. Flavored latte: a latte with a flavor syrup added, such as vanilla or hazelnut
2. Caramel macchiato: a macchiato with caramel syrup added
3. Mocha cookie crumble: a mocha with cookie crumble flavoring added
4, Tallent Road Parow 7500
+27 210231845
Opening Time
08 AM - 4:30 PM
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We only serve the best.
We are among the best in town cape town
We believe that everyone deserves a space meant solely for them.
We are unique in our ability to offer a wide variety of quality courses for all the levels of learners. Whether you are in Cape town.
Jack Reynolds
The Gen Manager